The Senior Citizens group was founded at Holy Martyrs in 1973. The group is devoted to providing a place where our senior citizens can gather together once a week for companionship and fellowship and participate in activities that they enjoy. It is also a place where they can rejoice and celebrate happy events with one another as well as receive support when troubled. The group currently has thirty five members, men and women. The Senior Citizens sponsor several annual events such as Mother’s/Father’s Day Luncheons, Pizza Parties and Christmas Luncheons in conjunction with the New Directions group. It is remarkable how the members look forward to each Tuesday for the companionship and fellowship they all need and cherish and get involved in hotly contested tavloo tournaments, scrabble games, card games and many other activities.
The Senior Citizens meet every Tuesday from 10am to 5pm in Kalustyan Hall. Coffee and refreshments are served each week at no cost to the members. Everyone welcome. Please contact the church office at 718-225-0235 for more information or come by on a Tuesday and join the group.