Women's Guild
On Sunday, February 1, the newly elected Women’s Guild Executive Board was inducted during a special service following Badarak. After the women recited, in unison, their pledge to uphold the tenets of the Women’s Guild, Fr. Abraham reminded them of the five elements necessary to keep the Guild strong: Prayer, Faithfulness, Love, Vision and Service. “When used together these five elements will strengthen our Women’s Guild for the glory of God.” Each woman was presented with a red rose following the service. Congratulations to Shoushan Saraydarian (chairman), Mary Selvinazian (vice chairman), Ceran Kasarjian (treasurer), Marie-Louise Kapitanyan (assistant treasurer), Carol Anastasian (recording secretary), Anjel Tahmisyan (corresponding secretary), Rose Hartunian (advisor) and Mary Haroutunian (ex-officio advisor).