SS Graduation
Last Sunday, following Badarak, our Sunday School graduating class renewed their baptismal vows and received their diplomas in front of family and friends. A reception and luncheon followed in the church auditorium where the graduates read excerpts from their graduation papers, presented a slide show of memorable photos and reflected on their days from “being an angel in the Christmas pageant” to today. Heather Skolnick, a Sunday School alumni and currently a teacher, addressed the students with a message about having faith, hope and love. The graduates then presented Fr. Abraham their class gift – new wooden presentation easels. “Challenge and make a change in this world,” said Fr. Abraham directly to the graduates. Just as his former professor in graduate school said to him, he told the graduates that even one small change can make a difference. “If you can bring one person closer to Christ, than do so. If you can bring one more Armenian closer to Christ, do so, and bring him with you to church.” Congratulations graduates and thank you Dr. Asadorian for another year of humble service to our graduating class!
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