Last Sunday, following Badarak, the HMALS graduation program took place in the church auditorium. All the students, from the youngest students reciting in Armenian to the five graduates (Taline Deukmedjian, Andrew Halajian, Armen Haratunian, Kayla Sakayan and Alex Sarafyan) presenting their graduation essays, performed beautifully. Dn. Alex Calikyan, a 2006 alumni of HMALS, addressed the students about the choices they will need to make about their Armenian identity and culture in the future. After diplomas and awards were given out to the graduates, Fr. Abraham welcomed Yeghishe Srpzan to close the program with a few remarks. An advocate for Armenian language education, Srpazan’s voice and sentiments about the importance of having an Armenian school resonated strongly in an auditorium full of proud parents, teachers and parishioners. A celebratory luncheon followed in Kalustyan Hall. Congratulations graduates! Click here to view photos.