Icon Sunday
Last Sunday, November 1, was designated as Icon Sunday by the Eastern Diocese. On that day, all parishes were directed to hold a special service to bless their replicas of the new Holy Martyrs Icon. Holy Martyrs was given an exception, as we will be blessing our new Icon on November 22 when His Eminence Abp. Khajag Barsamian comes to our parish to bless our new khachkar. In order to make our Icon Sunday special, and in preparation for November 22, Fr. Abraham and the Genocide Commemoration Committee presented a special program about the symbolism of the Holy Martyrs Icon during the Fellowship Hour. Guided by a beautifully scripted reflection by the Diocese, Fr. Abraham and the Committee spoke about the History of the Genocide, Martyrdom, Sainthood and Canonization. The movie, “A Great Cloud of Witnesses,” was also shown. It was an emotionally moving afternoon and Fr. Abraham has received wonderful feedback from the parishioners who attended. We are all “called to be saints together with all those who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor 1:2).