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Women’s Guild
On Thursday, December 8, more than 125 guests (including several men) spent a wonderful afternoon at the annual Women’s Guild Christmas Luncheon. This year’s Luncheon was held at the beautifully decorated Harbor Links Golf Course in Port Washington. The afternoon program included greetings by Shoushan Saraydarian, Chairman of the Women’s Guild, followed by a prayer by Fr. Abraham and a welcome by Chairladies of the event, Lara Ciamician and Christine Garzilli. As attendees enjoyed a delicious luncheon, they were entertained with a lovely Armenian song, Aykeban (The Gardener) by Hekimyan, sung by our own Yn. Karine Malkhasyan.  In addition, The Chimentis (also referred to as the “Steve and Edie of Long Island”) sang several selections from Broadway shows and ended with a seasonal tune. An array of Chinese auction and Share-a-buck prizes also brought much excitement to the crowd. Congratulations to the entire Women’s Guild Luncheon Committee for another successful event. The afternoon was a special time to renew old friendships, make new ones and to share the warmth of the Christmas season with one another.

On Saturday December 10, the ACYOA Juniors and Seniors hosted a Christmas party for all members and parents. All who came were able dance along to Armenian music and eat delicious food. It was also a night of bonding for members of the ACYOA. Many who have not seen each other for a while were able to talk and have a joyous time. It was also an event in which new members were able to meet and get to know the group and what it means to be a part of ACYOA.

Lunch with Santa

Lunch with Santa, on Sunday, December 11, was a magnificent success. Over 100 people enjoyed a sumptuous lunch and fun activities for the children. It was wonderful to see the smiles on the faces of all the children as they participated at the arts and craft table, took pictures at the photo booth and then visited with North Pole's most famous resident, Santa Claus! Thanks to everyone who attended the event and to Santa Lunch Committee members Talar Aprahamian, Ashley Akbork, Lara Ciamician, Christine Garzilli, Stacy Kilicyan, Jennifer Kudyan, Talin Salur and Shoushan Saraydarian. Click here to see pictures from the photo booth.

Senior Citizens & New Directions 

On Tuesday, December 13, our Senior Citizens Group gathered in Kalustyan Hall for their annual Christmas Luncheon. Students from the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School entertained the delighted seniors with Christmas songs and recitations. Fr. Abraham thanked the Senior Citizens (almost 50 of them present) for their continuous support for Holy Martyrs. Special thanks were also extended to Bercuhi Yagliyan, Manushak Otuzbiryan and Patty Demirjian for preparing the delicious luncheon with the help of the Seniors leadership.
Armenia Way Festival 2024
Armenia Way Festival 2024 Join us for a memorable day of Armenian flavors and culture and bring your friends, neighbors, and family! Read More 
Ordination 2024
Ordination 2024 Sunday, January 14 was a joyous day for Holy Martyrs! Amid special prayers and blessings... Read More 
Love-Filled 65th Anniversary!
Love-Filled 65th Anniversary! On Sunday, November 19, over 230 parishioners celebrated the 65th... Read More 
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