On Sunday, June 11, Fr. Abraham and the Holy Martyrs community bid a fond farewell to Dn. Narek Garabedian and his wife Nune during a special fellowship. Dn. Narek was assigned to Holy Martyrs last September to complete his pastoral internship alongside Fr. Abraham. In the past nine months, Dn. Narek endeared himself to the entire Holy Martyrs family and much love was shown to him and his lovely wife Nune on his final day. During the fellowship, Parish Council Chair, Patricia Apelian Aitken, expressed her feelings and gratitude on behalf of the entire Holy Martyrs community and presented Dn. Narek with a crystal apple from Tiffany to remind him of his time with us here in the "Big Apple." Misak Aprahamian thanked Dn. Narek for his support of our youth and Ruthann Turekian Drewitz performed her own version of "New York, New York," to further let him know what he had come to mean to us. As a final touch, we were treated to Dn. Narek's beautiful tenor voice singing Gomidas' "Horovel." Thank you to all the church auxiliaries who contributed to this truly special fellowship. We wish this beautiful young couple all the very best as they start their next chapter at St. Gregory the Illuminator parish in Chicago.