X-Mas Hantes
The Sunday School celebrated the season of our Lord’s birth with a very special pageant, “The 5 Days of a Golden Rule Christmas.” Focusing on a year of service projects, five were featured on display boards decorated as “gifts”: Sandwich Sunday, the Lenten Drive for Syrian Armenian Relief, Gabriel’s Day of Kindness, the Advent Love Project for disabled children in Armenia, and Operation Christmas Child. As the program progressed, each board of photos was unveiled before the audience, who were visibly moved to hear of the thousands of people helped by Sunday School students throughout the school year. Older students eloquently narrated, interspersed with scripture readings from audience participants, acts of kindness described by elementary schoolers, a beautiful living nativity, a visit from little angels, Christmas carols, and the lively accompaniment of the South Shore Brass. A festive luncheon concluded the beautiful morning. As both program coordinator Lynn Jamie and Der Hayr noted in their concluding remarks, faith is about giving, serving, love!