HMALS Hantes
On Saturday, December 23, HMALS held their Christmas hantes filled with songs and recitations of the joyous celebration of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Principal, Elizabeth Khodabash, Chairlady, Susie Horioglu, and Parish Council Liaison, Zarmi Megherian welcomed families and friends to a festive and uplifting afternoon. Nursery and Pre-K set the stage in their angel costumes and sang “Gaghant Baba” and “Donadzar." Grades 1 through 7 recited poignant poems and sang “Loor Kisher, Pari Lur” along with other religious and traditional songs. Their precious voices resonated the auditorium with the spirit of Christmas. As the children sang, the Nativity Scene was presented. The audience joined the children and sang “Nor Dari” and “Zankagner”. The joyous melodies prompted a surprise appearance from Gaghant Baba. Fr. Abraham enjoyed the hantes and recognized the hard work and effort of the faculty, board and student body. Immediately following the hantes, a holiday feast was presented for all to enjoy.