ACYOA Juniors Movie Night
On Saturday, January 20, our ACYOA Juniors enjoyed a pizza and movie night. While sharing a meal and desserts, the Juniors were able to spend some time planning events for the upcoming few months. They also watched the science-fiction adventure movie "The Maze Runner."
ACYOA Seniors Chapter Workshop
From Friday, January 19 to Sunday, January 21, five members of the ACYOA Seniors spent the weekend in Boca Raton, FL connecting with new and old friends in fellowship and worship. This year's Chapter Workshop focused on stewardship and emphasized ways for the youth to have a greater impact in their communities. Participants exchanged ideas about events, shared strategies to grow their member bases, and discussed incorporating the beliefs of our faith in our activities. Everyone enjoyed themselves in the company of other young people across the Diocese. The ACYOA thanks the entire church community and Parish Council for its continued support of its endeavors.