Ten Maidens
On Holy Tuesday, ten young girls from our schools represented the ten maidens from the parable of the Wise and Foolish Maidens (Matthew 25:1-13). The ten maidens waited for their bridegroom. Five of the maidens foolishly took their lamps with no extra oil and when the bridegroom was delayed, could not go out and meet him. The wise maidens went prepared and joined him in the marriage feast. Similarly, we must pray and wait in a state of perpetual preparation, to receive Christ. Before the Holy Tuesday service, the girls drew lots to see who would be "wise" and who would be "unwise." This year's maidens were Mariana Mkrtchyan, Shela Ozbilir and Hasmik Sargsyan from HMALS, Anayis Ciamician, Gianna Salur and Melody Salur from Sunday School, Anoush Bakirdjian, Lucine Ciamician, Nectar Mouradian and Talar Saraydarian from HMADS.