Prayer Service
On Friday evening, May 18, the Holy Martyrs held a Special Prayer Service in commemoration of the church’s 60th anniversary with the participation of local clergymen, community lay leaders and servicemen. Fr. Abraham welcomed Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian (St. Sarkis Armenian Church), Rev. John K. Lardas (The Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church), Msgr. Martin T. Geraghty (St. Robert Bellarmine Roman Catholic Church), and Rabbi Bovit Menashe (Bellerose Jewish Center) to participate in the readings of the service. Following the prayer service, Queens Borough President Melinda Katz and City Council Member Barry Grodenchik presented Fr. Abraham with special proclamations in honor of the church’s milestone anniversary. Other attendees who spoke words of gratitude to the Armenian community were Joseph Marziliano, Community Board 11 District Manager and Captain John Hall, Bayside-based 111th Precinct Commanding Officer. Community members Vartan Megherian, (Police Officer) and Veh Bezdikian (FBI agent) also represented the various servicemen who work to keep our neighborhood safe. The Prayer Service was organized to honor those who have stood by the Bayside Armenian community and supported them over the past six decades. It was an evening to celebrate unity in diversity and to pray for peace and stability in the community, nation and world. A fellowship followed the service which allowed all present to speak with the clergy and lay leaders and thank them personally for their commitment to the Armenian community.