VBS 2018
Vacation Bible School (VBS) completed another successful session last week from June 25-29! This year’s exciting theme was "Shipwrecked-Rescued by Jesus." Around 40 students enjoyed daily Bible study classes, music, art, gym activities and Armenian lessons. Each day a special guest came to Holy Martyrs. Petland brought in 10 animals: a macaw, chinchilla, tarantula, rabbit, turtle, hedgehog, sugar glider, frog, lizards, and snakes. Kevin from the Center of Science, Teaching & Learning explained forensics and finger printing. Kathy from the Cradle of Aviation demonstrated a hot air balloon, then the younger kids made their own kites and the older kids flew drones. Dr. Lynn Cetin visited and had the kids search for treasures in the church sanctuary. At the end, they all got together and combined their treasures to make a puzzle. Fr. Abraham met with the kids in the church sanctuary and explained all the items which are used during Badarak. The local firefighters arrived with a ladder truck and an engine. 3 or 4 children at a time took turns sitting in the truck as one of the lieutenants explained the equipments. Around 100 sandwiches were prepared and bagged by the children which were donated to the INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network) for the homeless. The week concluded with a carnival/barbecue, which included a bounce house, cotton candy and watermelon. Our special VBS team included Fr. Abraham, Director, Shoushan Saraydarian, Carol Anastasian, Lara Ciamician, Carolina Gazal, Tessy Gazal, Zarmi Megherian, Ani Rakoubian, Nayda Voskerijian, and 18 CITs. Additional help was provided by Avo Gazal, Daniela Gazal, Talene Kerbeykian. Rita Keshishian, Seta Megherian and Hamaspur Vakilian. Ruthann Turekian Drewitz did a wonderful job transforming the Kalustyan Hall into the shipwrecked theme. Thank you to all the parents and volunteers for supporting this important church activity for our children.