On Saturday, October 13, Ruthann Turekian (soprano) filled the church sanctuary with her beautiful voice as she presented a concert of Armenian songs from various Armenian composers in honor of Holy Martyrs' 60th anniversary. The concert, titled "Armenian Songs From My Heart," was dedicated to Dn. Edward Karnikian, Dn. Onnik Dokmecian, Mary Selvinazian (all pillars of Holy Martyrs) and her late mother Margaret Bedrossian Turekian. True to the concert's name, at times you could feel the emotion from Ruthann's heart as she sang songs about love, loss, and happiness. A selection from Toshigian's Hrant Dink Oratorio almost brought tears to some eyes, as Ruthann sang with such power and a heavy heart. The concert ended with a double encore - a fun-filled rendition of "Garmir Kini" and "Yerevan Erepuni" sung with the help of the audience. It was a great evening that continued on at a post concert wine and cheese reception that lasted late into the evening. We are grateful to Ruthann and her accompanist Daniel Ragone for a wonderful concert and for sharing their talent with us all.