Bible Sunday
It was a happy day for 20 Sunday School students of the three classes that were scheduled to receive Bibles this year. But it was clearly a joyous day for all Sunday School students and parents who were gathered in church for the blessing. The congregation shared the joy, too, when they received personalized and signed gospel bookmarks lovingly prepared by Sunday School students, on the occasion of Saturday’s Feast of the Four Evangelists. (When some saw the baskets coming their way, they reached for their wallets but were touched to learn that they contained a gift for them from our students.)
Der Hayr then spoke of the Bible’s cherished place in the Armenian faith, blessed the Bibles, and brought students and parents forward to take a holy oath to read the Bible together at home as the Book that leads us closer to God. This photo of parents, Der Hayr, and students proudly holding their new Bibles tells it all – the warm feeling of this special blessing is written on everyone’s face!