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On Sunday, May 19, Holy Martyrs Armenian Language School (HMALS) celebrated its 61st   annual graduation ceremony and year end hantes. The Seventh Grade graduates Theresa Eden, Shela Ozbilir and Nicolina Paternostro each recited a poem and spoke about their positive experiences, friendships and being proud of their Armenian culture and heritage. Congratulations to the families of the graduates and their teacher Mrs. Armine Batman. We are very proud of the HMALS graduates and wish them well on their future endeavors. We encourage them to stay connected to HMALS and Armenian community.

In addition, we would like to congratulate Kindergarten graduates Liana Nora Akdermirian, Arame and Arno Bijoyan, Peter Economu, Iliana Elefantis, Natalie Kasarjian and Victoria Semabekian. Principal Elizabeth Khodabash created a memorable hantes filled with songs and recitations. Natalie Horioglu played a beautiful piece from Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. Fr. Abraham enjoyed the hantes and commended the graduates and their parents for sending their children to school to learn about the importance of the Armenian culture and heritage. Mrs. Susie Horioglu, Chairlady of the Executive Board, reminded the graduates to always be proud of their rich Armenian culture and heritage and remain active participants in the HMALS Family. Ms. Zarmi Megherian, Parish Council Liaison and alumni of HMALS, offered her congratulations and well wishes. Guest speaker, Mrs. Gilda Buchakjian Kupelian, Director of Armenian Studies, Eastern Diocese applauded Mrs. Khodabash for all her hard work and dedication to HMALS.  She thanked all who sacrifice their time to bring their children to learn Armenian language and culture. In addition, she reminded the graduates to always stay strong in their Armenian faith and language, like an anchor secured by a solid foundation, to avoid assimilation. Immediately following the hantes, everyone was invited to Kalustyan Hall for a graduation luncheon sponsored by the HMALS Executive Board and faculty.
HMALS looks forward to greeting old and new students for another successful school year in the fall. Registration for the 2019-2020 year will be held on Saturday, September 21. For additional information please contact the church office.
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