Sister Parish
Once a month, following the regular offering plate, the Parish Council passes along a second plate to the congregation to collect money for our sister parish, Soorp Garabed, in the rural village of Hrazdan, Armenia. Last week, Fr. Abraham and Parish Council member Hrair Ghazarian visited Soorp Garabed to hand-deliver the monies collected by Holy Martyrs for the 2013-14 year thus far to the parish’s grateful pastor Der Shnork. Since Holy Martyrs began supporting Soorp Garabed, many much-needed renovations have taken place. But, there is so much more that needs to be done.
Our brothers and sisters in Hrazadan need our help and deserve a decent spiritual home and community center in which to worship. Please consider their needs the next time the second plate is passed during Badarak. To view photos of our sister parish click here.