The Holy Martyrs Armenian Language School (HMALS) opened its doors in September 1957 thanks to the vision of Rev. Fr. Vartan Megherian of blessed memory and a group of dedicated teachers. The goal of the school is to promote the Armenian culture through the development of basic skills in the Armenian language – reading, writing and conversational speaking. Through the development of these skills our youth will gain a sense of pride in their Armenian language and heritage.
HMALS stands out in terms of its quality of teaching and the quality of the education our students receive. Our teachers are very professional, nurturing and highly educated and, more importantly, they are fluent in the Eastern and Western Armenian dialects. So that we may continue to provide this level of academic excellence and so that we may preserve the Armenian language, it is important for us to increase our student enrollment in the coming years. Therefore, HMALS asks you to consider referring our school to an Armenian friend, relative or neighbor, with the hopes of them registering a new student to our school.
Classes meet every Saturday from 9:30am to 1:00pm from September to May. Children 3 to 13 are welcome. For more information about HMALS please contact Mrs. Anna Ghasabyan, Executive Board at or Mrs. Elizabeth Khodabash, Principal at 718-451-6441.